Does Hemp Have Value in Skin Care?

E1011 Labs Explores Hemp Value in Skin Care

An addition of all-natural hemp oil into your daily skin care regimen can have outstanding effects. Found in various beauty and rejuvenation products, such as creams, facial oils, and serums, hemp oil has proven to be extremely beneficial for skin health.

Hemp and CBD for Skin Care

As you may already know, hemp is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant, also known as cannabis, which is grown for its seeds and fiber. Hemp contains very low amounts of the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and hence does not have psychoactive effects. This makes it a tremendously popular ingredient in natural, modern skincare products. 

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a chemical compound that is also found in hemp plants. CBD oil has also established its place as a potentially beneficial skincare compound. However, despite sharing the common plant species, hemp oil and CBD oil are quite different.

Hemp oil is obtained from hemp seeds, whereas CBD oil is obtained from the stalks, leaves, and buds, and may also come from other plants in the cannabis family.

Does hemp have value in skin care?

Benefits of Hemp Oil in Skin Care Products

Here are some of the outstanding qualities that make hemp a valuable ingredient in skincare products.

Natural Moisturizer

Hemp Oil is a natural moisturizer

Perhaps the most useful property of hemp seed oil is its moisturizing capability. Hemp oil is a natural emollient and contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), Vitamin E, and amino acids. When used topically, these compounds act as natural emollients and help moisturize the skin, making it soft and agile.

Antioxidant Abilities

hemp oil contains antioxidants

Hemp seed oil is predominantly rich in Vitamin E, which is a scavenger of compounds known as free radicals that cause skin damage and deterioration. It also contains an impressive makeup of antioxidants, such as fatty acids (gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and Vitamins A and C.

Topically applied hemp oil tightens skin and can help reduce previous skin damage and protect skin cells from deterioration and premature aging.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Hemp oil has anti-inflammatory properties

Certain components of hemp oil possess anti-inflammatory properties, such as Vitamin C, phytosterols, and carotenes. Research shows that these substances can help relieve skin inflammation.

More research is also underway to assess the exact mechanism by which hemp oil can be used for treating dermatologic conditions such as pruritus, inflammatory skin disease, and even skin cancer.

Anti-bacterial Qualities

hemp oil has antibacterial properties

Studies have also shown that hemp oil possesses anti-bacterial properties, which means that it can be effectively used for treating several skin diseases and infections, such as dermatitis, eczema, acne, and psoriasis.

A study published in 2005 in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment stated that:

“Dietary hempseed oil caused significant changes in plasma fatty acid profiles and improved clinical symptoms of atopic dermatitis. It is suggested that these improvements resulted from the balanced and abundant supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in this hempseed oil.”

Collagen Producing Capabilities

hemp can help produce collagen

The Vitamin C present in hemp seed oil plays an important role in collagen synthesis. Collagen is a family of proteins that form the basic structural component of many connective tissues, such as skin and cartilage. Collagen keeps skin flexible and fresh-looking.

Without Vitamin C, certain vital steps in collagen formation can be interrupted or altogether inhibited. Hence, using hemp seed oil for skin means increased collagen production, which increases skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Skin-clearing Abilities

hemp oil can help clear your skin

Excess of sebum (natural oil secreted by skin cells to keep it moist) or sebum of low quality (usually due to an unbalanced diet) can cause clogged pores and skin breakouts. Hemp seed oil has been shown to effectively reduce sebum production and redness of the skin.

So, if acne is your main concern, incorporate a skincare product enhanced with hemp oil to help rid yourself of pimple-ridden skin, and enjoy a clean and clearer complexion.

Moreover, hemp oil can also be used for oily skin since it is non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog your pores.

Hemp Skin Products: Oral, Tincture, or Topical?

hemp products as oral, tinctures, or topicals

Due to the popularity of its impressive properties, finding a skincare product containing hemp oil is fairly easy.

There are three types of products available: pills, tinctures, and topical formulations (hemp cream).

Hemp tinctures contain the optimum 3:1 ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. As mentioned before, these fatty acids help keep the skin moisturized and also reduce inflammation.

If you prefer to use hemp topically, you will still see the desired results. When applied topically on the skin, hemp seed oil has been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory and anti-itch properties.

Ingesting hemp orally will target skin breakouts from the inside out. Hemp seed oil is rich in linoleic acid, essential omega-6 fatty acids, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, and phosphorus — all of which help promote healthier skin.

Are There Any Side-effects of Hemp Skin Care Products?

Even though hemp is considered safe for use on the body and face, it is recommended that you first use hemp skincare products on a small test area to ensure you do not have an allergic reaction.

Also, always keep a special lookout when choosing a hemp tincture or topical product, and always buy organic. Organic hemp products are best for skin since they normally contain more nutrients, including the beneficial vitamins and minerals found in hemp.

Non-organic products often contain synthetic fragrances, added colors, and preservatives to increase their shelf life. These substances can cause skin irritation and reactions.

Choosing the Right Hemp Skin Care Product

When choosing the hemp-based skincare product, you’ll come across two types of labels, and both are considered safe to use:

  • Full-spectrum hemp oil: contains all the components found in hemp, along with trace amounts of THC. 
  • Broad-spectrum hemp oil: contains a variety of cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes obtained from hemp, but no THC.

Always buy products that mention ‘cannabidiol’ (CBD), ‘hemp extract’, or ‘hemp CBD’ on the label.

However, the most significant factor to consider is the quality of the product you are purchasing. Make sure you trust the brand, are confident that the product you’re purchasing is safe, and that it contains precisely what the label claims. It's best to always buy products that have been tested in a third-party lab.

Other Uses For Hemp

Hemp is natural

Some of the same characteristics of hemp that make it so useful in skincare products, like its anti-inflammatory properties, are incredibly beneficial in other contexts. For example, initial studies into the effectiveness of hemp-derived CBD as a pain management medication show promising results. Hemp-derived CBD has also been shown to be useful in helping treat both anxiety and insomnia.

The best way to glean CBD’s benefits is through inhalation, as it offers higher rates of bioavailability than other methods like tinctures or topicals. E1011 labs engineered the elon® with this fact in mind, which is why elon® is the most effective way to consume CBD on the market. Order a Starter Bundle today and discover just what CBD can do for you!

For information on e1011 Labs' elon® and stelo™, check out our website.

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