Hemp Seed Oil vs CBD Oil

CBD has taken the market completely by storm in the last few years. This little compound that just a few years ago was only available at seedy headshops or from niche online retailers is now everywhere! These days, CBD oils are a staple at local pharmacies and convenience stores, and even the mainstream beauty industry is incorporating CBD into products left and right. The influx of CBD into these conventional markets is mostly great for consumers, but things can get confusing with so many options out there now.   

If you’ve ever done some online shopping for CBD or hemp products, then you’ve likely stumbled upon not just CBD oil but all sorts of tinctures with various names. There’s hemp oil, hemp seed oil, and even hemp extract oil. Unless you’re already an expert, all these different monikers can get confusing. Can they be used interchangeably? If not, what’s the difference?

We here at E1011 Labs want to make accessing curative cannabinoids simpler for everybody. That’s why we put together this convenient guide to help folks better understand what exactly they’re buying.

What is the Difference Between CBD Oil and Hemp Oil?

CBD oil is a liquid that has been extracted from the leaves, stalks, and flowers of CBD-rich hemp plants. Research suggests that CBD can be a helpful tool in managing pain and anxiety, so many patients turn to CBD oil to glean these therapeutic effects.

Hemp Seed Oil vs CBD Oil

Here’s where things get confusing. Hemp oil can sometimes refer to CBD Oil, but it can also sometimes be a stand-in for hemp seed oil – a radically different product. To make things even more complicated, some less reputable manufacturers intentionally make their labels as mystifying as possible. If your intention is to purchase a product containing CBD, it’s critical to make sure that the bottle your purchasing explicitly contains it. 

Hemp Oil vs Hemp Seed Oil

How different can hemp oil and hemp seed oil really be? It’s all just oil that comes from hemp, right? In actuality, despite the similarities in the names, these two types of oils can be incredibly different. 

While CBD oil and some brands of hemp oil are derived from the hemp plant’s stalks, leaves, and flowers, hemp seed oil is made from a different part of the plant. As you probably guessed, it’s the seeds.

Hemp seeds contain a marginal amount of CBD, but not enough to produce any effects in humans. However, what hemp seeds do contain are tons of proteins, fibers, omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, gamma-linolenic acid, and a whole slew of vitamins. One study from 2014 indicates that topically applying hemp seed oil to the skin can help prevent infections and rashes, as well as help mitigate conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Another study into the medicinal benefits of hemp seed oil suggests that those fatty acids can actually help protect the brain against inflammation, and help to treat dementia. 

All of these nutrients make hemp seed oil a fantastic dietary supplement, but remember that hemp seeds don’t contain the cannabinoid CBD. Because hemp seed oil can also be labeled as hemp oil or hemp extract, consumers need to vigilantly inspect labels to make sure they know exactly what they’re purchasing. Otherwise, you may be disappointed to find out the product you just bought doesn’t actually contain any CBD. 

A Better Way to Access CBD

All these different labels and names can make acquiring a bottle of CBD oil feel like navigating a minefield. But what if you told you that there was a different way that can provide all of the beneficial cannabinoids found within the plant and is not only easier but also more effective? Well, there is! We can skip all the processing and choose to consume the flower in its natural form. 

elon device by e1011labs

Comparing flower versus oils and extracts can be thought of as consuming an orange versus vitamin C. Often people will opt for taking a vitamin c supplement instead of eating the equivalent in oranges because it is more convenient and quicker. However, the orange contains more beneficial compounds beyond just vitamin C. The same goes for a hemp oil versus the hemp flower. Hemp oils are often just providing a sliver of what the whole hemp flower has to offer. However, just like with the vitamin C and orange example, many people opt for the tablet because of convenience.
What if we told you you could access the full benefits of terpenes and cannabinoids within the plant without the stress, mess, or hassle of conventional flower consumption (i.e. smoking)?

Well, thanks to our revolutionary CBD delivery device elon®, CBD is simpler than ever - no need to worry about whether your hemp oil does in fact have CBD or other naturally occurring beneficial compounds because stelo™ contain the whole hemp flower. Just insert a stelo™ and enjoy the natural flavor of sun-grown hemp and soak up all the goodness the plant has to offer. No more worrying about confusing labels with intentionally obfuscating language!

Hemp Flower vs Hemp Oil

Inhaling CBD is more potent than a tincture

Need another reason to opt for flower instead of oils or extracts? Did you know that most of the CBD in oils and tinctures doesn’t actually get absorbed by the body? One study suggests that only 4% of orally consumed CBD gets absorbed. However, when CBD is inhaled like with the Elon, that number looks more like 30%. Think about all the CBD that goes to waste with oils or and capsules!

Get your CBD straight from the flower itself! Hemp flower is always full-spectrum, which means it contains all the therapeutic terpenes and cannabinoids that are naturally present in the plant. Even CBD and hemp oils labeled as full-spectrum are heavily processed and often use artificial terpenes or cannabinoids isolated from different plants. With elon®, you can experience the CBD the way nature intended.

Order a Starter Bundle today, and discover a better way to enjoy CBD.
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